Rock hopper info

Hey Guys This is a little something for the new penguins! Hello Penguins! Today i will give you the buzz on rock hopper!! He is a prite and come to club penguin every month! If you see something that looks priteish that a penguin is wearing ( for example : bird on sholder) they got it from rockhopper. The free item this time was the Brown boots. He has a red puffle that is named yarr. Without rockhopper red puffles would not have not been able to be adopet on club pneguin at all! If you find his key ( look on the cheat page and ill tell you were it is! With the key you can 1 enter his Headquarters 2 play his gem finding game ( things you can find are teal gem red gem and coins) 3 hang out and sit in his chair and sit in yarrs bed! Thats all about rockhopper if there is any more questions you know how to email it to me!